
Pulling in posts, and photos, that I’ve had all over the shop, up until now, and putting them under the one roof. Vale2
Lots of new gadgets, widgets and toys here , for me, to play with!
Elsewhere, on ‘t Net, you’ll find your writer describes himself as an Atheist, Bizarro, Bon Viveur, Tommunist, Proglodyte, a Pragmatic Nihilist, Existential Pagan ….not to mention The Rhutopian Ambassador to Earth.
Saviour of the Fallen, Protector of the Weak,
Friend of the Tall Ones, Keeper of the Peace!
As a former leader of the Accordian Fusion quintet,‘The MacHavishnu Orchestra’ and a founder of Grassy Noel & The Hitmen, he now gigs with his ‘hobby’ band, who dress as moustachioed plumbers, and play American Adult Oriented Rock.
Ladies and Gentlemen, can you please put your hands together and make a big welcoming noise for Mario Speedwagon!“.

Meanwhile on Twitter he opts for the somewhat more prosaic;

‘Magic Band & Don Van Vliet Evangelist, Inventor of The PieTractor, World’s Slowest Cook, Alechemist, Occasional Writer, Father and All Round Good Egg!’

4 responses to “About

  1. More on the Maryland please.


  2. Norbert Strange

    Hey ho Rupert, old chap!


  3. Johnny Glasgow

    Shocked and horrified by the misspelling of accordion, but otherwise hugely delighted by Mr Cocking’s oeuvre. Love from Niddy Bizarro.


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